In Her Heels with Tammie Bus

The greatest thing anyone can give you is their time.

Join us we go “In Her Heels” with Founder of Elite Rides Chicago, Tammie Bus.

Read our interview below and learn more about her entrepreneurial journey.

Is “Bus” really your last name and you own a transportation copmany?
Rizvi is my maiden name but Bus is my married name. It's like destiny took the wheel and drove me straight into this industry! I guess you could say I was born to ride the waves of transportation, or should I say, the 'Bus'iness of transportation.

How did you enter into your industry?
Transitioning from the telecommunications industry to the transportation sector was quite the ride, especially landing in a family business where I stumbled upon a golden opportunity: serving corporate partnerships. My background in sales engineering had me traveling a lot, and it dawned on me that frequent business travelers needed more than just a ride—they deserved reliability, luxury, and, of course, safety. With a little inspiration from the family biz, I set out to create something special, giving birth to Elite Rides Chicago. Our mission was crystal clear: to provide our clients with unparalleled service and attention to detail. We wanted to be the go-to choice for those who needed transportation that went above and beyond. We've been thriving by understanding our clients' needs inside out and delivering with a smile. Our journey from tech to transport is a testament to our adaptability and passion for making a difference in people's experiences. At Elite Rides Chicago, we're not just in the business of transportation; we're in the business of creating memorable journeys for our corporate partners.

Did you always know you wanted to have this career?
Honestly, no. When I was younger, I dreamt of becoming a doctor. Life, however, had its own plans for me. While bartending, a regular customer offered me a job in the telecommunications field. I took the leap, and boy, did I fall in love with it! I hustled my way up the ladder, fully convinced that I'd retire in the telecom industry. But fate had a different path in store for me. Somehow, I found myself here – in the transportation sector, and it's been an exhilarating journey ever since. I've discovered a newfound passion for being a business owner and working alongside some truly incredible people, both within our company and among our clients.

If you could tell yourself one thing when you first started your career, what would it be?
Think big, always. Life has a funny way of taking us on unexpected twists and turns, but trust that you'll end up exactly where you're supposed to be.

How do you manage imposter syndrome?
Navigating imposter syndrome as a perfectionist means understanding that perfection isn't the goal. Instead, I focus on progress, setting achievable goals, and celebrating every step forward. Seeking feedback from trusted sources and being kind to myself along the way helps me combat self-doubt. By embracing growth and accepting that mistakes are part of the journey, I am able to tackle imposter syndrome with a smile and keep moving forward confidently.

If you could go back and tell your teenage self advice what would it be?
I'd say, life's a wild ride, and knowing your determined spirit, you're not one for following the crowd. My advice? Keep living life to the fullest! Be kinder, but never lose that fierce, free-spirited attitude of yours. Trust me, everything's going to be just fine. You'll dance to the beat of your drum, and that's more than okay—it's fantastic! Don't doubt yourself or your abilities. Give yourself some grace along the way, and one day, kid, you'll do some truly amazing things. Just keep being you, and the world will open up in ways you never imagined.

Where are we likely to find you on the weekends or when you aren't working?
You’ll likely find me immersed in a variety of activities. Most often, I'm enjoying quality time with my husband and kids, tackling household chores, indulging in my passion for DIY projects. I love getting my hands dirty, whether it's building something from scratch or giving new life to old furniture. There's something deeply satisfying about the process of transforming raw materials into something beautiful and functional. And of course, I enjoy planning and hosting gatherings for family and friends. Whether it's a casual get-together or a themed party, I relish the opportunity to create memorable experiences and connect with loved ones. So, whether I'm knee-deep in sawdust or orchestrating the perfect celebration, you can bet I'm making the most of my time away from work and cherishing every moment!I am a huge homebody so probably cuddling with my fur babies and pouring into self-care.

Name 3 things you cannot live without.
Easy: my husband, my kids, and my girlfriends. They bring love, laughter, and endless support into my life, making every day brighter and more fulfilling. They're my pillars of strength and joy, and I'm grateful for their presence every single day.

What are you currently listening to? Podcast? Favorite song that motivates you?
The BizChix podcast. It's been a fantastic source of inspiration and practical advice for navigating the business world. (Thanks Channing for the recommendation!)

How do you get yourself out of a funk when you are having an off day?
I retreat to my favorite green couch—it's like my own little sanctuary. I make myself a cup of coffee, letting it work its magic on my mood, and after a brief moment of respite, I remind myself that life keeps moving forward, regardless of my temporary setbacks. With that in mind, I gather my resolve, get back on my feet, and keep pushing forward, one step at a time. Time doesn't wait for anyone.

What would surprise us about yourself?
In the blink of an eye, I decided to go back to school, start my own business, and welcomed my third child—all within just three months. Life's unpredictable, but I've learned to embrace the unexpected and dive into new challenges head-on.

What is the best advice you have received?
The greatest thing anyone can give you is their time.

What are some career highlights and biggest career accomplishments?
Taking a leap and starting my own business.

What is something you are excited to be working on?
Expanding my vegetable garden and building a chicken coop.

Contact information: Where can members connect with you? / 201.682.9368

If you would like to meet Tammie in person, we invite you to attend one of our monthly meetings for the Chicago Chapter. You can find all of our meetings listed here.


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