In Her Heels with Staci rosales

Life happens and you just have to roll with the punches

How did you enter into your industry?
Even at a young age, I was curious about social relationships, cultures, and the functioning of human society. I graduated with a BA in Sociology from the University of South Florida and have always gravitated towards careers where working with people is at the forefront of what I do. Hospitality is more than just providing a "service" to a guest - hospitality is an attitude of generosity that fuels the most basic human needs - to feel heard, acknowledged, and accepted.

Did you always know you wanted to have this career?
Throughout my career, I’ve had many different roles in hospitality, the event industry and non-profits. As we grow - our interests, goals and priorities change over time. With that change comes new opportunities to dive into something new – even though it can be scary at times. I definitely feel like I am where I need to be at this moment in my career and that’s a good feeling!

If you could tell yourself one thing when you first started your career, what would it be?
If you aren't happy with what you are doing - don't be afraid to make that change!

How do you manage imposter syndrome?
Think about your accomplishments - no matter how big or small!

If you could go back and tell your teenage self advice what would it be?
Oh boy! I'd have a novel. The most important one I would say is "It’s okay not to know what you’re doing or where you’re going." Life happens and you just have to roll with the punches.

Where are we likely to find you on the weekends or when you aren't working?
We bought our house in 2020 and many of our weekends have been spent doing house projects. Although, now we have a little more free time so have been doing weekend trips, taking our dogs to Good Dog or discovering more parts of Birmingham.

Name 3 things you cannot live without.
Chapstick, post-it notes and coffee.

What are you currently listening to? Podcast? Favorite song that motivates you?
I work from home mostly so am always looking for good Spotify playlists to help me focus! I can't listen to anything with words or my brain goes into overdrive and I'll find myself typing an email with the lyrics to a Postal Service song.

How do you get yourself out of a funk when you are having an off day?
A glass of wine never hurts. Unless it's in the middle of the work day and in that case I take a 10-minute refresher break and watch a funny video or something.

What is the best advice you have received?
Be kind. Always.

Contact information: Where can members connect with you? or LinkedIn - let's connect!

You can also stay in touch with Staci at our meeting next month. We will be meeting from 4-6 P.M. at the Mint House. You can
register here.


In her Heels with Auri DaCruz


Heels on Fire, Chi Town