in Her Heels with Emily Austin

cultivating connection through craft coffee

Headshot provided by Daniel C White

Fun Fact, Emily was our 300th member to join Heels in 2021. We also both lived in Florida, and anyone that knows me, knows I love coffee! Emily is one of those people you talk to and feel like you have known her for years.

Join me as we highlight Emily in our #memberspotlight and learn more about her entrepreneurial journey.

Emily Austin grew up in a small town outside of Gainesville, Florida on a hay farm with lots of space to roam and dream! Since childhood, she remembers caring deeply for people and having an entrepreneurial spirit. She moved to the Nashville area 7 years ago and considers Tennessee to be home!

Emily is currently working as a program manager and is the founder of Asulon Collective. She also recently launched a podcast with a friend called "micro moments!" Asulon (pronounced us-oo-lon) is a Greek word meaning refuge. Asulon Collective caters craft coffee and conversation to foster deeper connection. She believes cultivating connections helps relationships thrive and builds stronger communities! That's why the focus right now is cultivating connection through craft coffee!

How did you enter into the hospitality industry?
My first job was at the age of 15 working for a local small business boutique. My interest in the hospitality industry grew during my late high school years when I did an internship with a global meeting and event planning company. Then during college, while studying event management, I also worked on the marketing team at the local Chick-fil-A where I learned a lot of valuable skills! This is when I began dreaming of owning a coffee shop one day. Most of my professional career has been spent in program management. However, no matter where I’ve been, the common thread has been creating relationships, caring for others and connecting with people (often over a cup of coffee). At the beginning of 2020, my passion for coffee and people continued to grow. I decided to begin actively pursuing the vision received; to create a place of refuge that feels like home, where people can experience belonging and where relationships can thrive.

What brought you to Nashville?
I was offered a job opportunity as a program coordinator for a cultural exchanges sponsor company which brought me to Nashville at the beginning of 2016.

Where are we likely to find you on the weekends or when you aren't working?

I love making breakfast on Saturday mornings like my mom did for us growing up! I'm usually at a local coffee shop too on the weekend - likely deep in conversation with family or friends. I also love spending time outside at the local parks, eating a good meal or playing with my dog, Misto!

Name 3 things you cannot live without
Definitely my Bible, people and hugs! And also coffee. ;)

What is the best advice you have received?
I've had a lot of incredible people generously share their wisdom along this journey so it's hard to boil it down, but I'd say some of the best advice I've received so far is that there's enough business to go around for everyone. When you take your eyes off of comparing yourself to others it frees you up in so many ways. You can fully walk in who you are created to be, you can celebrate others better and you can foster a more authentic sense of community and collaboration. You're also freed up to rest and go at the pace you need to be healthy instead of getting caught up in hustle culture. There's nothing wrong with hard work, however, burnout doesn't do anyone good.

What are you currently listening to? Podcast? Favorite song that motivates you?
I actually just started a podcast with a friend called "micro moments" so I've been listening to that every week to prepare the show notes before releasing each new episode! The aim for the podcast is to simply provide hope and inspiration through having authentic conversations. One moment can truly change everything! I'm also a HUGE music lover as well so I'm constantly rotating through different songs, artists and genres.

What are some career highlights and biggest career accomplishments?
Helping develop, implement and evaluate an international student housing program for a non-profit in Florida. I also assisted with their coffee shop operations on-site as well. I was also able to do some international travel with the company I referenced above. That was definitely a highlight! Experiencing other cultures and developing relationships with people from other countries has been invaluable. A lot of my career, I've been in assistant roles to Director's. This has been an opportunity to engage with different leaders and allowed me to learn about leadership. This continues contributing to my growth and preparation in so many ways! Then definitely launching my own coffee business has been a long-time dream turned into reality! Seeing the vision come to life even in the smallest of ways continues to be so surreal.

What would surprise us about yourself?
People are often surprised when I tell them I was homeschooled. I dual enrolled at the local community college in 11th and 12th grade so I also finished college early by a year!

Contact information: Where can members connect with you?
I'd love to connect with you! The best way is by sending an email to or a DM on instagram @asuloncollective! The coffee cart offerings include either an espresso bar, drip coffee bar, cold brew bar or a custom package. More details on the coffee catering packages and the booking request can also be found at:


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