In Her Heels with jessica Mcdonald

“Build Wealth, Not Stress.”

We are thrilled to highlight one of our newest members to the Birmingham Chapter, Jessica McDonald with Southern Wealth Builders.

Jessica McDonald is on a mission to help as many people as possible break through their financial barriers so they can focus on achieving their personal and career objectives. Join us we highlight Jessica for our Feature Friday and learn a little more about her entrepreneurial journey.

How did you enter into your industry?
I started as an admin for the wealth management division of a local accounting firm in Birmingham and just fell in love with financial planning.

Did you always know you wanted to have this career?
No, I thought I would be a middle school math teacher. I am still lucky enough to teach people, now it's financial literacy instead of a math curriculum.

If you could tell yourself one thing when you first started your career, what would it be?
Don't be afraid to start! The time is going to pass anyway, so why not work towards what you love?!

How do you manage imposter syndrome?

If you could go back and tell your teenage self advice what would it be?
You don't have to have it all figured out by your 20s! Give yourself a little grace.

Where are we likely to find you on the weekends or when you aren't working?
Spending time with my husband, 7-year-old son, and mini-Schnauzer - usually tailgating, going out to eat, spending time at the lake, or catching a farmer's market.

Name 3 things you cannot live without.
Besides my family & friends - My pillow, my phone, and a good pair of gold hoops.

What are you currently listening to? Podcast? Favorite song that motivates you?
The Best One Yet (TBOY) Podcast, Office Ladies, and Creating Confidence with Heather Monahan.

What would surprise us about yourself?
I love dipping my own nails! I began dipping my own nails shortly after my son was born to be more cost-effective, and I just fell in love with doing it. It's a great way to have a creative outlet and do something for myself.

How do you get yourself out of a funk when you are having an off day?
I jump on my exercise bike to clear my head. The music and moving my body really help me focus on getting out of a funk.

What is the best advice you have received?
Done is better than perfect; there will always be a reason to wait until the "perfect" time to start something new, but the world is waiting for you to just begin!

What are some career highlights and biggest career accomplishments?
I passed the CFP Exam November 2022 and launched my firm April 2023!

Where can members connect with you?
Email: or Cell 205-427-3363

You can also find Jessica at our monthly meetings for the Birmingham Chapter. The event calendar is listed here.


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