Heels hero | Dr. Jessica Trice

“There is no such thing as perfection but persistence."

Dr. Jessica Trice | Vetique

It’s not a secret we attract high-achieving women in our community. This week we have the honor of sitting down with Dr. Jessica Trice of Vetique and learning about her entrepreneurial journey. Follow along below as we go, “In Her Heels.”

How did you enter into your industry?
I was actually at a crossroads where I was given the opportunity to be part of the Tae Kwon Do Illinois traveling team. This meant traveling all over to compete full time and putting everything else on hold. I was a 2nd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do and 2-time US Open Grand champion in Women's Forms and Fighting. I was at the peak of my martial arts career. As much as I wanted to compete and participate, I chose the veterinary path simply because I felt that was my calling and purpose. I continued my education by going to college and getting accepted to Veterinary Medical School. I knew I had to study hard (as my father had instilled in me that I have to be better than average just to be considered average). As a young woman starting to build her educational resume, I studied hard, focused and determined to be involved in everything and excel at it. To get accepted to Veterinary Medical School is a challenge in itself because there are limited number of veterinary medical schools in the country. It's harder to get into Veterinary Medical School than it is Human Medical School. By faith and my purpose, led me to the path that is now my career.

Did you always know you wanted to have this career?
When I was 9 years old, my family and I had just came back from a family vacation. We noticed my cat wasn't acting right (moving slowly, not eating, vomiting, lethargic). it broke my heart. We immediately rushed him to the ER and found out he was blocked (crystals had developed where he couldn't urinate). I was so impressed and amazed how quickly the doctors worked on him and literally saved his life. That feeling I had knowing my fur baby was gonna be okay was a feeling I never forgot. I decided in that moment I wanted to save pets so they can be with their families. It really comes down to serving. Serving others which means be caring, empathetic and compassion for others. That unconditional love that our fur babies gives us is a feeling that I hope everyone gets a chance to experience. It's like no other. No matter what kind of mood we are in, our pets provide that unconditional love that somehow just makes us know that everything is gonna be alright.

If you could tell yourself one thing when you first started your career, what would it be?
For all the "No's" I heard, my "YES" is what counts. A couple years into my career, I wanted to continue my education and incorporate integrative medicine. The company I was working for did not support it by saying it was not "real medicine." I always had a passion for both Eastern and Western medicine because I saw the wonders it did for people. Eastern Medicine was not popular or easily accepted by my colleagues when I first started out in my career. With persistence (years later), I finally was able to get the support I needed to help pay for my acupuncture and herbal treatment certification. Once I became certified, pets were responding to acupuncture (when Western medicine failed and I was basically the "last resort"). My work spoke for itself. Pets lives were being saved and suddenly there was a demand for it. This led to my certification of chiropractic care. I now have the freedom to practice the way I want to practice at my company. There is no discrimination at Vetique on continuing education especially when it comes to someone's passion. If I would have listened to the popular demands back then, I would not be who I am today. Believe in yourself. There's a reason for YOUR passion.

How do you manage imposter syndrome?
No matter what type of work you're in, there will always be stress, fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. Life, in general, is always full of surprises. The reality of being an entrepreneur and motherhood has had its own challenges. I literally had 2 babies within 4 months from each other (my start-up company and my daughter). There's not a day that goes by that that failure is in the back of my mind. "Am I doing enough?" "Am I being good mom?" "Do clients like our concept?" The list goes on with all the negative thoughts and worries. I have to remind myself of my WHY. My purpose is my passion in what I do. Every morning I wake up , I thank God for another day of opportunities. God's not done with me yet if I'm still living. I remind myself that I AM ENOUGH. I was created uniquely and wonderfully made by God. He makes no mistakes. It's owning that and knowing my value and self-worth. Most importantly, we need to BE STILL and take care of ourselves. We cannot take care of others if you're putting ourselves last. I struggled with self-care at the very beginning of this new journey of CEO and mama-hood as I was taking on 2 major roles. However, I am getting better at it as I always want to give my 100% in serving others. Lastly, learn to give yourself GRACE. We are not perfect, not everything will get done right away, and not everyone is going to like us. Know that it's okay. Just keep serving with kindness.

Where are we likely to find you on the weekends or when you aren't working?
Depending on the season. In the Spring/Summer- I'm a beach girl. Love the sand and water. I always try to squeeze in a pool day. In the Fall/Winter-I love restaurants and trying new places. Total foodie. I workout to eat! My daughter is starting to show similar interests...Hmmm...I wonder why? ;) I take her with me everywhere.

Name 3 things you cannot live without.
1. hairspray-wont leave home without it. 2. Pets-nothing like experiencing their unconditional love. 3.family (my parents, brother and my daughter)-there is nothing more important to me than my family. They are my rock and my joy. They keep me humble and remind me of having gratitude.

What are you currently listening to? Podcast? Favorite song that motivates you?
I love anything that's motivating: Steve Harvey, T.D Jakes, Maverick City and elevation worship music, I am second series. I also love jamming to Lenny Kravtiz, Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey, Norah jones, JLo, Marc Anthony, classical music and more! It all depends on my mood.

How do you get yourself out of a funk when you are having an off day?
I always allow myself a break in the middle of the day. That is my time to escape, reset my mind (usually by prayer, meditation or listening to a little Lenny Kravtiz) so I can be fully present with a positive attitude. Even if it's 20 minutes in the day, you need to allow yourself the time. In our line of work, there is no time to think. You just act on quick instincts. We need to allow ourself to pause and reset. IF the funk carries through after work, some self-care would be next (ie: nails, spa day, nice warm intimate bath).

What would surprise us about yourself?
I love health and fitness so much that I used to compete in it. I actually won Miss Bikini and Figure at the OCB Midwest Natural Bodybuilding. Truly a magical moment. Flash forward, after I delivered my daughter, I was back in the gym one week later. About 1.5 months post-baby, I was back to my pre-baby weight. I will always have fitness in my life. It's such a stress reliever and my coffee gets me going for the day.

What is the best advice you have received?
"There is no such thing as perfection but persistence."

What are some career highlights and biggest career accomplishments?
Career highlights: becoming Chief of Staff, Medical Director, Medical Advisory Board and certified in both veterinary acupuncture and chiropractic care. Career accomplishments: Becoming a CEO/C0-founder of a start up company that not only hit 1M its first year but is changing the veterinary culture.

What is something you are excited to be working on?
I am always looking for ways to challenge myself in ways that'll make me grow. I'm a mama who is trying to lead by example for my daughter and creating a legacy for her. With that said, we are looking to expand Vetique not only in Chicagoland but across the county. Chicago will always be Vetique's home but its time to spread her wings for others to get that PAWsitive experience. ;)

Contact information: Where can members connect with you?
work hospital email: hoomans@vetique.com my direct work email: dr.trice@vetique.com work number: 312-291-9656 Instagram (my personal): jess_trice Instagram (work): vetiquechicago


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